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Bag filter: Analysis of the sealing mechanism of the pendulum ring bolt

In the industrial production process, filtration is an important link to ensure product quality and smooth process flow. Bag filters are widely used in the field of liquid and gas filtration as an efficient and reliable filtration equipment. Among them, the sealing performance between the top cover and the filter cartridge of the bag filter is directly related to the filtration effect and the stable operation of the equipment. This article will introduce in detail the design of using four sets of pendulum ring bolts for sealing and locking in the bag filter, and how this design ensures that the filter can maintain stable sealing performance when subjected to high filtration pressure and water hammer pressure shock.

1. Design features of pendulum ring bolts
The sealing between the top cover and the filter cartridge of the bag filter mainly depends on four sets of pendulum ring bolts. This bolt design is unique, and its feature is that it can generate uniform distribution force when tightened, so as to ensure that the sealing surface between the top cover and the filter cartridge fits tightly. The head of the pendulum ring bolt is designed in the shape of a pendulum, which is convenient for manual operation. At the same time, its material is strong and can withstand large pressure and torque.

2. Guarantee of sealing performance
During the filtration process, liquid or gas will generate a certain pressure when passing through the bag filter. Especially under high filtration pressure and water hammer pressure shock, the sealing performance of the filter faces severe challenges. However, the bag filter with four sets of pendulum ring bolts for sealing and locking can still maintain stable sealing performance under these extreme conditions.

The uniformly distributed force of the pendulum ring bolts can tightly fit the sealing surface between the top cover and the filter cartridge to form a seamless sealing structure. This structure can effectively prevent liquid or gas from leaking from the gap, thereby ensuring the filtration effect. At the same time, the strong material of the pendulum ring bolts can withstand large pressure and torque, and can maintain a stable sealing state even under high filtration pressure and water hammer pressure shock.

3. Advantages in practical applications
The bag filter with four sets of pendulum ring bolts for sealing and locking has shown significant advantages in practical applications. First, this design can ensure the stable and reliable sealing performance of the filter and effectively prevent leakage. Secondly, the operation of the pendulum ring bolts is simple and quick, which reduces the maintenance cost and difficulty. In addition, this design also has a long service life and good durability, and can adapt to various complex working conditions.

The design of using four sets of pendulum-type ring bolts for sealing and locking in the bag filter is an efficient and reliable sealing method. It can ensure that the filter can maintain stable sealing performance when subjected to high filtration pressure and water hammer pressure shock, providing a solid guarantee for the filtration process in the industrial production process.